


Install one_gadget on Ubuntu 16.04 in 2023

Ruby with version >= 2.4 is required to install one_gadget while the default ruby package on Ubuntu 16.04 is not satisfied, as shown below. If you wanna learn heap-related things on Ubuntu 16.04 to omit the additional mechanism like tcache, this post provides you the method to update ruby on Ubuntu 16.04 and install one_gadget. ERROR: Error installing one_gadget: bindata requires Ruby version >= 2.4.0. In fact, the author of one_gadget provided suggestions, see https://github.





LLVM Interface | DominatorTree

LLVM infrastructure provides numerous interfaces to meet various requirements. However, lots of interfaces lack clear documents and example code. It is time-consuming for newcomers, including me, to find the ideal APIs and figure out their usage. To tackle this, I will write a series of articles that contain LLVM Interface in titles focusing on the useful APIs for program analysis. The contents of them will be short and concentrate more on concrete use cases than internal principles.

How Are Commands Defined in Rizin Shell?

Rizin, which originates from Radare2, envolves fast with neat code style and friendly community. A big step of Rizin is the new implementation of shell compared with Radare2. Radare2 highly depends on switch statements to parse commands and conducts corresponding handlers. The situation becomes worse when it comes to the huge number of commands, which may still grow according to the various requirements of users.



