LLVM Interface | DominatorTree

LLVM infrastructure provides numerous interfaces to meet various requirements. However, lots of interfaces lack clear documents and example code. It is time-consuming for newcomers, including me, to find the ideal APIs and figure out their usage. To tackle this, I will write a series of articles that contain LLVM Interface in titles focusing on the useful APIs for program analysis. The contents of them will be short and concentrate more on concrete use cases than internal principles.



A Comparison between LLVM Infrastructure and Tree-sitter for Static Analysis

Static analysis is often assigned to LLVM infrastructure for its rich interfaces for manipulating codebase. However, I leveraged tree-sitter frequently to perform static analysis on C code recently. After implementing some fundamental analyses (such as CFG, call graph, slicing, and so on), I further constructed some advanced methods. I dug out many new bugs in OpenSSL and Linux kernel. After experiencing it first hand, I think tree-sitter is enough to cope with lightweight code analysis such as code searching-like tasks (Weggli does achieve this by tree-sitter).